15 Sept 14 – I’m told it’s a Sunday. 3 RFT Lateral Jumps, Sumo Deadlift High Pulls, Pull Ups and Dips

Apparently, it’s a weekend and a Sunday at that. The days continue to roll in to each other.

After 2 days off from CrossFit, I feel quite refreshed and was looking forward to really going 100% this morning. As always seems to be the case, however, that wasn’t to be the fume-filled, green-light lit gym this morning certainly didn’t get either Matt or I in to the correct frame of mind. That said, it’s fair to say we both gave at least 85-90% throughout and in the conditions was about acceptable. This afternoon I intend making up for it with big lifts.

3 RFT:

30 x Lateral Jumps over Bench

20 x Sumo Deadlift High Pull @ 32kg

15 x Pull Ups

15 x Dips (using Bench)

Time: 10:03

Matt: 10:16

The Lateral Jumps gave us something different to think about today. In a confined space, we really had to concentrate on footfall and not landing on other bits of equipment. With that in mind, it required quite a bit of concentration and we managed to get a good rhythm going with volleys of 20 or so unbroken, on the bounce. The SDHP hasn’t been visited in a while and had to be broken in to a 10 and 2 x 5 each time. The thighs and hips certainly took the strain, purposefully so, in order to free up the arms for the pull ups and dips. I should remind everyone (and myself for future read back) that the bar we use for pull-ups is a scaffolding pole, covered in tape, hanging from a roof support; it hangs down on ¾” threaded metal dowels and is completely unstable on both ends. The bar has considerable sway (about 6”) that makes for a very difficult platform to perform pull-ups. I am hoping that the ‘rough’ nature of this bar will have a direct benefit when it comes to performing them on a nice, sanitary construction back at home. The dips were done as reverse dips on a bench with only about 9” drop; this allowed for an approx 90 degree movement in the arm but was not especially challenging and should have been increased to take in to account the progressive nature of the equipment used.

Despite taking pauses that were too long, I recall telling myself throughout that I need to be breathing fire and then forcing myself back on to the bar / lift. Still, it wasn’t good enough this morning and I’ll rectify that later.

Breakfast was 4 x boiled eggs (massively under cooked!!!) and 3 rashers of lean bacon, a small glass of OJ, a small glass of milk, followed by a black coffee with Cadbury’s Options Hot Chocolate in it.

As always, 2100mg of EPA/DHA (Fish Oil Omega 3) too.

06 Sept 14 Pt II – Snatches and Rowing

It’s not much but completing a long round of Sntach practice, culminating in a 5 x 1 Hang Power Snatch of 55kg was a big triumph for me this evening.

Having not ‘Snatched’ for over 6 weeks, I am well aware that my strength has suffered quite considerably and will take a while to get back up. However, starting from scratch is not always a bad thing and it made me focus on form, especially as I was coaching Matt at the same time. Breaking it down and getting each component wire tight was a success in itself and I will be getting back in to Burgener Warm Ups as a matter of routine once more.

We threw in some overhead squats with 40kg to really work the thoracic spine and bottom position too; really pleased with the development here (although the shoes did help!)

After this we culminated in a round of Rowing:

4 x 500m w/ 2min Rest each time.

I broke this down in to 4 rounds of 1:47 / 500m splits which is a new best for me; there’re still the odd little progressions creeping in here to keep me motivated!

Following on from yesterday’s excellent stretching session on the flight deck, we headed up there again today for some more; superb opportunity we have here and I’ll be signing up for the CrossFit Mobility course very shortly.

Nutrition going well too:

Bacon & Eggs for Breakfast

2100mg of EPD/DHA (Fish Oil)

Chicken pie (nothing else) and some crab for lunch

Small handful of almonds mid-pm

Small steak, half chicken breast, burger, hotdog and half rack of ribs for dinner (ok, it is Saturday!)

I’ll top this off with a beer tonight but hey, “100% Paleo, 80% of the Time” ™

05 Sept 14 AM – Running, Rowing, Goblets and Push Presses

Well I got my arse well and truly handed to me this morning both by the workout and by Matt.

Late last night, I realised I had not collected the WOD for today and so I quickly threw something together.

For Time:

Run 1000m

50 x Goblet Squats (20kg)

Row 500m

50 x Push Press (40kg)

Row 500m (it would have been back to the treadmill for 1000m but they were all taken)

Total Time: 16:11

Matt’s Time: 14:26

We began with 2 rounds of 20s work / 10s rest, covering push ups, lunges, squats, sit ups. Following this, same routine but with back extensions, dead hang, plate overhead press (10kg) and ground-to-stand. Using a bar, we then completed a round of 10 Pass Thrus and some twists; I am beginning to feel it in the elbow again although I’m unconvinced it really is ‘all in the back’.

Keeping the treadmill at 15kph, the run was pretty tough in the heat and from the DOMs created by the run up the Rock the other day. However, Matt took a great lead here. Straight in to the Goblet Squats, Matt could only find a 16kg Kettlebell but to be fair he flew threw the round at a good pace and with good form. I tried to catch up on the rower but he was off by the time I had just passed 250m. The Push Presses were broken in to 10s throughout. Given that is was under Fran-weight, I am a little concerned but it highlights the issues I’ve been having recently and lack of time under the bar. By the time I was headed back to the treadmill, I was blowing. To see Matt then sat on the rower again due to lack of treadmills……I could have cried. Still, we quickly decided to stick to 500m and sprint instead of drag out a 1000m. I maintained a 1:47 split for that one and was pleased to finish on a high.

Breakfast followed: 2 x Bacon, 3 x Boiled Eggs. This is typical now.

Fish Oil: 2100mg EPA/DHA

Physio on elbow has been cancelled today due to conflictions but I will be booking back in as soon as I can to ensure I build up strength in the elbow and improve mobility in the thoracic spine area.

More to follow for this evening’s WOD.

Raining hard outside

Luckily, the Outlaw CF WOD for today was an indoor metcon. The thought of going outside to workout in the pissing rain was filling me with dread. CF Warmup indoors, then the following……

10 RFT

10 x Slapping Push Ups
10 x Jumping Squats

10:08 RX

The first 4 or 5 rounds were ok and then my arms just hit a wall and it was in 2s from then on. I looked up positive I had finished to see only 9 rounds completed….GUTTED! I was smashed by then end. This is exactly the kind of thing I need to be doing to get my scores up. I want to see my percentile creep up by a score or two to 68/69 within the next month, once I’m settled back in to a routine.

Food today was:

2 egg scrambled eggs,
25g Protein Shake,
2.1g EPA/DHA,
Cheese and meats for lunch,
lots of bolognese for dinner (with spaghetti),
25g protein after the WOD.

I need more protein and can affect that. Sleep is ….. Ok at the moment with an average of 7hrs.

I hope for some dry sun tomorrow so I can get out and lift something. Monday will be at Britannia CrossFit for a Team WOD.